A white person with dark auburn hair and thick bangs, leaning forward and smiling against a black wall. The person is wearing  blue lace dress with a white collar.

Josephine (Joey) is a designer, facilitator, sometimes-technologist, and graduate student researcher with the Tactile and Tactical (TAT) Design Lab in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington. Josephine's work is motivated by a desire to help imagine and engineer emancipatory sociotechnical systems—technologies designed and adopted with enthusiastic consent by the individuals and communities who will live with them, with consideration and regard for future generations, non-human life, and our world.

Joey’s current research focuses on how design and design methods can support (or hinder) radical care, community, and mutual aid.

Big fan of Muppets. Also speculative fiction. Physical computing. The moon. Fun (theoretically).