Our Values


We believe a Feminist Future is one where people and the planet thrive.

There are many possible feminist futures, but we believe a future that is feminist will be—at its core—an intersectional future where all people thrive, liberated from oppression based on gender, race, class, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship status, and more. In a feminist future, many of these categories used to create hierarchies and limit the possibilities of our lives no longer exist. Multiple ways of arranging our lives, our families, and our communities coexist and are respected, and our intersectionality is valued as a superpower. Feminized labor and social attributes are uplifted, valued, and supported. In a feminist future, we nurture our relationships with our planet and the other beings we share it with.

We understand that interventions don’t need to be high-tech to be high-impact. 

In fact, the best interventions for a particular context might not be high-tech. While outputs of our prior hackathons have included apps and/or hardware, often the better fit can be a solution like process improvements, social services, media campaigns, fashion design and more.

We build relationships and community.

Our most important goal is to support relationship building and knit together a community. While we’re excited about the projects and interventions that will come out of this hackathon, we’re even more excited about the connections we’ll make with each other.

We know that radical joy restores and sustains us.

Through organizing our past hackathons and in our lives, we have learned that relationship building and transformative design work requires rest, pleasure, play, and joy. We recognize  that people who have been historically marginalized and oppressed are often denied these experiences, and Feminist Future(s) has been designed to be a space where our community can experience unbounded joy and pleasure. 

We look to the Past, Present, and Future(s).

As we seek to design futures, we take care to learn from history. We name power and its abuses. We honor past and present social movements and center lived experiences. We know that time moves differently for different people, and that planetary challenges have been unfolding over generations. With care, we attend to the unevenly felt urgencies of the present, and we will pull each other into a future where we all thrive.